2022 JoeWrote Digest
Top posts, Metrics, Assorted Nonsense, Badass of the Year, Free Premium Access, and More.
kHey folks! This monthly roundup includes a year in review. This was the first full year of JoeWrote, and I have to say it was a spectacular experience, thanks to all of you.
I hope you enjoyed what I wrote this year. I’m looking forward to an even better 2023, filled with more content, interviews, and engaging discussions of how we can better our world.
I’ll see you there! — Joe
Top Posts from 2022
By far, the most viewed post from this year was my critique of the Uvalde Police in their failure to save the lives of the 21 people killed in the July massacre. Fair warning, it’s pretty heavy.
On a much lighter note, the “Read & Roast” of Dave Rubin’s new book was a fun way to explore the psyche of the American Right, while poking fun at them of course.
My case for nationalizing the airlines brought in a batch of new readers and is relevant to the ongoing travel issues.
Book & Media Recommendation
In a bit of self-promotion, I suggest you check out Imperial Sundown, a World War II thriller written by yours truly. I promise you’ll enjoy it, even if you’re not a typical fan of military fiction.
>Click here for Imperial Sundown <
I’m currently halfway through the podcast series Mother Country Radicals, which covers the history of the Weather Underground, a radical revolutionary group that operated in the 1970s. I highly recommend it if you’re looking to learn about under-discussed topics of American history.
Music Recommendation
Bliss n Eso, an Australian hip-hop group, re-recorded their song “Pale Blue Dot” with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra. It slaps.
Worth a Read
The Intercept dove into the recently released JFK files. Though some parts are still under seal, the slow trickle of files hints at the long-suspected notion that the CIA had some hand in the assassination.
From the Archives
As a new Call of Duty was recently released, I’ve unlocked last year’s post on how the franchise has supported the propaganda of the American Empire.
Badass of the Year
I’m giving this year’s award to Agent Jack Ryan. Not the Office Jim version running around the world on Amazon video, but the real agent Jack Ryan who was persecuted for refusing to investigate leftist peace groups during the Vietnam War.
Top Comment
Each month’s top commenter will receive a free month of premium access. Add your thoughts in upcoming comments section for your chance to win!
This month’s top comment goes to reader Michael Huang for his insightful contribution to the discussion Capitalism is for Stockholders. Socialism is for Stakeholders.
Enjoy your free premium access, Michael!
In 2022, JoeWrote grew from 175 to 545 subscribers. I started accepting paying subscribers about halfway through the year, and have just under 30 to date.
While there are certainly more populated Substacks, I’m extremely pleased with these numbers. Thank you all for lending me your ear!
Memes and Assorted Nonsense
Quote of the Month
Do or do not. There is no try. — Yoda
Happy New Year y’all!
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