"Pushing Back Against the Dystopia with Joe Mayall"
My appearance on the My Views Are My Own Podcast.
Hey folks! Unfortunately, I’m sick as a dog, so I can’t garner the focus needed to write. For those of you looking forward to the explanation of class I promised in our Substack chat, I apologize. It will be out on Monday. (If you’re not in our chat, I suggest you download the Substack app so that you can vote for topics you want me to cover.)
If there’s a silver lining to my sickness, it’s that the article can now address the many misunderstandings of class analysis Teamsters President Sean O’Brien echoed during his RNC speech this week. It’s an important topic, so I didn’t want to half-ass it and give you a lackluster article worsened by my brain fog.
Fortunately, I recorded an episode of My Views Are My Own before I got ill. Doug, the host, and I discuss a few of my recent articles, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, online debate bro culture, and how we can stay sane amidst all this chaos. It was a lot of fun and an invaluable conversation, so I highly suggest you give it a listen.
You can also listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, or myviewsaremyown.com. Enjoy! Again, my apologies for not having an article.
In Solidarity — Joe
I thought this was a great conversation. I’ve been reading some work by Ahkil Reed Amar about the founding and the constitution. He says that the father of the constitution was not Madison but Washington. He also says that Federalist #10 actually wasn’t a popular paper at the time and that is was more #’s 2-8 that had much more influence on the final draft. Also, you said that a majority of people were illiterate at the time and that the constitution was written primarily for the rich. But Amar says that many of the federalist papers and other pamphlets were widely printed and distributed for the people. And that the founders weren’t constructing the documents for themselves or their property but for the people, hence why they started with “We the people.” And citizens voted for it (Yes I know not all citizens) Anyway I’m not sure if you’re familiar with him or his work but just thought I’d share with you what I learned from him.
Feel better soon! And don’t put too much pressure on yourself. We will be here.