Sunday Funday | April Recap
Top posts, free premium access, book recommendations, solidarity news, and assorted nonsense from the People's Republic of JoeWrote.
Welcome to our monthly roundup, where we discuss everything from movie recs, to the state of the world, to the ever-increasing ranks of the JoeWrote army. Two bits of housekeeping: I’m calling these “Sunday Funday” now because that’s a chill name. Also, I’m going to start sending them on the last Sunday of the month instead of the first of the following month, just so it’s more timely. Enjoy! - Joe
Top Posts from April
With close to 2k reads each, these were the top 3 posts from last month.
Top Comment
Each month’s top commenter will receive a free month of premium access. Add your thoughts in the comments section for your chance to win!
This month’s top commenter is
Connor Drazil
, who left this comment on one of our discussion threads that caused me to laugh out loud. Enjoy your free month Connor!
From my perspective, trying to "change" the Democratic party would be like trying to get a job at an Apple store and then make it your life goal to change the name of Apple to Pear. It's one thing to know you will have a hard road to travel to change the minds of this country, another entirely to try to do so by forcing a takeover of essentially a hostile organization.
Book Recommendation
This month I finished Tiamat’s Wrath, book 8 in The Expanse series. If you haven’t read it, The Expanse is like Game of Thrones in space. It explores issues of class, race, Capitalism, militarism, and of course, what happens when our primitive species stumbles upon extra-terrestrial powers. You can read my review of Tiamat’s Wrath here, and I highly suggest you dive into the first book, Leviathan Wakes.
Music Recommendation
This cover of The Chemical Worker’s Song by Great Big Sea. It absolutely slaps.
Worth a Read
Daniel Bessner, co-host of
wrote in The Nation about Francis Fukuyama's infamous essay, "The End of History." Bessner takes on Fukuyama's theory that liberal capitalism was solidified with the fall of the USSR. It's definitely worth your attention.From the Archives
I wrote this piece when I lost my job last November, and how my loss of healthcare due to being fired is a terrible way to structure a society. It’s now unlocked, so check it out.
Badass of the Month
This month’s badass is every member of the Writer’s Guild of America, who went on strike for the first time in 15 years. All solidarity to the workers who create our entertainment.
JoeWrote grew by about 8% in April. I’m really looking forward to us crossing one thousand subs, which I image will happen around the end of the summer. Welcome to all our new subscribers!
Memes and other Assorted Nonsense
Quote of the Month
And it’s, ‘Go Boys Go!’ They’ll time your every breath. And everyday you’re in this place you’re two days nearer death. - The Chemical Worker’s Song, embedded above.
Any thoughts on my Sunday Funday run down? Did you see any good movies, read any good books, or stumble across an enjoyable meme during your April? If so, share it with us in the comments.
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Ooh if you like The Expanse you would like Traveller RPG. The article about the end of history was a good rec! My monocle nearly popped out as I read it.
lol, I accidentally sent this a day early. Oops!