Super interesting article! I was listening to a podcast with Mustafa Suleyman, who does a lot of work with AI, and I was glad that he mentioned the nature of work will change as we use AI more at work. I think more AI is a good reason to think more about having a universal basic income.

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For sure. If there's one benefit to the coming AI-wave, its that pretty much everyone agrees we'll need to change the nature of work and how our society supports those who are displaced. Fingers crossed we get some type of UBI!

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Recently finished The Coming Wave and though I had significant issues with many options and opinions on the book (he will make you crazy Joe), the author did have some decent suggestions on steps that should be taken to mitigate and reduce the impact of AI while steering it to positive. Last chapter is potentially with a look.

That said, without fundamental systemic change I agree and fear that it will merely exacerbate and accelerate existing inequality, to say nothing of alter what it is to be human in a profound way - but that's another whole conversation.

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Based on your thoughts on it, it sounds like "The Coming Wave" is another rose-tinted view on the AI future. I think a lot of these beliefs that things will work out on their own come from a place of optimism. Everyone knows our society has real problems right now, but isn't sure how to change it. So, they cross their fingers that The Future will bring technology that ends poverty and resolves our issues. Unfortunately, that has never once happened, so I doubt it will this time.

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I concur.

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Ugh, sorry for typos. I wish you could edit a posted message or at least copy the message, make changes, delete original and replace. Apologies.

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