Great analysis, as always. To add on to this, I think their pay raise would theoretically be higher in a socialized workplace because, not only would profits be shared, the removal of a profit motive would lead to increased efficiency within a company. Streamlining processes, reducing redundant software and consolidating to the best working systems, plus potentially replacing middle management positions that essentially provide no value to workers and only exist to uphold capital. People always conflate capitalism with innovation and I feel it couldn't be more the opposite. Capitalism stifles growth of the many in order to protect the growth of the few.

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I totally agree. For example, one thing that would absolutely NOT exist in a democratic workplace is nepotism. I know of so many businesses that run into issues because the owner put their family member/friend in a management position they are drastically unqualified for. Not only does this hurt efficiency, but it severely decreases morale, leading to even further negative implications.

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Morale is a great point to bring up. How much more efficient would a company be if the workers didn't hate their boss, hate to show up, hate being coerced into work to survive? Unfathomable to even know the mental health boost we'd get once off capitalism.

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Everything I've seen says people work harder and better when they're not being mentally crushed. You're giving me an idea to look into the morale differences between democratic and authoritarian workplaces. Thanks!

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Excited to see what you post next 🙌

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