
I'd love to hear thoughts from someone who identifies as a member of the queer community. What do you think about the controversy surrounding police at Pride events?

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It is important to honor history, but it’s equally important to encourage and recognize when institutions move closer to Justice. Policing in America has a very long way to go. We should celebrate small wins while always being mindful of the long past.

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I like the sentiment, but I'm not sure police are *actually* getting better with pro-LGBTQ messaging. Rather, I think they're using it as a PR exercise while remaining unchanged.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Joe Mayall

Law Enforcement needs a complete Legislative overhaul from the role of the Chief Executive all the way down to the beat cop and support resources for public mental health. If only we had serious people in Congress instead of professional stalwarts.

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It's really heartbreaking how Congress has shown it isn't even willing to TRY fixing things. It's one thing if I disagree with their policy, but they won't even try.

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