
I had to cut some of the wartime actions of the Palestine Regiment just to keep this short, but there are some really remarkable stories out there if you're interested.

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Apr 19Liked by Joe Mayall

Definitely interested if you decide you’d like to write more!

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Thank you! People really liked this, so I might!

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I had heard of this regiment, and of a Palestinian Arab and a Jew who fought side by side and were best friends. Stories like these should be much better known; they point the way to a possible future. Thank you!

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! That's really why I wanted to write about it. There's so much invaluable history from these people, yet it all gets overlooked in favor of modern, politically-useful narratives.

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As always, you bring some fascinating history to our attention.

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Thank you, Tina! I'm glad you appreciated it.

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Apr 16Liked by Joe Mayall

Thank you for letting me in to read this, Joe.

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Of course! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Apr 16Liked by Joe Mayall

Thank You, Joe!!

I can't pay a subscription on my taxed fixed income, but I can occasionally swing a tip.

Thank you so much for making this available.

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No worries! I'm glad you found it useful.

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That’s because Palestine was a British territory at the time. The Palestine Regiment consisted of Jews and Arabs, conscripted by Britain.

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I can't speak to the latter recruitments, but the first Palestinian regiment weren't conscripts. I'm not sure who told you that information, but it's wrong.

Second, it doesn't matter. I'd wager a significant portion of the Allied force was conscripts. They still fought valiantly.

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Facts do matter more than wagers, especially when one is trying to filter history through a leftist lens. Conflating the Palestine Regiment (a jewish regiment) deployed to Europe in WWII to fight against Germany with the nightmare that is modern day Gaza is more than filtering. It's a magnificent form of deception using a single photo to imply a preferred narrative.

Fact: the Palestine Regiment pre-1944 consisted of Jews and Arabs with as much as 3 to one Jewish majority. They were ill-equipped and performed mostly guard duty because the Brits were running the show. After reformation in 1944, the jewish sub units of the brigade formed the Jewish Brigade which was deployed with the Allies in Europe against the Nazis because again, the Brits were running the show. There was no magical Jewish/Arab Kum ba ya in WWII or even since 1917 when the Brits took over the region naming it the Palestinian Mandate. It's been down hill ever since.

Find a library and check it out.

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This article literally has a video of the Jewish-Arab Palestine Brigade arriving in Europe to fight.

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The parody account that doesn’t know it’s a parody, and which keeps on giving. Finally some comic relief from the progressives.

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Bet they are sorry now

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"They fought and died alongside their Jewish comrades"

That sounds like the Arabs and Druze of the IDF. Where else will we find that today?

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Do you really think the IDF is the only fighting racially-integrated fighting force?

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No, but it's the only one in that area that incorporates Jews, Arabs, Druze.

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Maybe, but it's currently carrying out a genocide, so I don't really think it being diverse is a bonus.

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The only genocide that the IDF could be fairly accused of is a genocide of any people who plan, attempt, or execute lethal attacks on Israelis. Israelis of all kinds, that is.

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lol okay

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We weren't really talking about bonuses, I didn't think. A genocide of who?

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