At my company, we have demonstrated time & again how 4/10's would not only boost morale, but make more sense for the operation. Better coverage, more people when/where we need them, etc. They refuse. each excuse gets weaker & weaker. They say that schedule isn't allowed...we show them other stations that are doing it. They say it can't be done in our division...we show them other cities where it's in effect. They say the payroll system doesn't recognize it...we show them the HR manual that explicitly lists 10 hour days in it... and so on...

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I completely agree with your thoughts! My partner's company set up the 4/10s for summer, and they decided to keep it going for both morale and production. It makes so much sense in practice and on paper, as one less "break" of the day means less startup time, which sees little value created.

While I can't be certain, I'd imagine there's an "old guard" at the top of your company that doesn't want to change, and is just ignoring the arguments for it.

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There is a pervasive "old guard" (and old South) mentality that uses things like this as an attempt at behavioral control. They keep it from us because they know we all want it. In another department, they actually had 3x13 hr. overnight shifts. They were extremely popular, and made operational sense as well, but were taken away too. (sigh)

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Yea, in my experience, leaders can be quite reactionary. "This is the way I said we're doing it, so do it." No real thought, just them flexing authority.

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