You are an excellent writer with whom I disagree--not shocking, I'm sure. The judicial branch is necessary as a co-equal branch of the three in order to have checks and balances. Our Constitution does have an amendment process as you said in order to add/remove as society changes. The biggest difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives don't want activist judges with their own ideas rubber stamping unconstitutional laws on the whim of societal tastes of the day. Liberals want activist judges like Justice Roberts who helped create Obamacare by giving lawyers the blueprint on how it could be made constitutional. That wasn't his job. Also, we are not a true democracy but a representative democracy. Conservatives want the government out of our business, liberals want more government intervention. Somehow, we are going to have to find middle ground.
You are an excellent writer with whom I disagree--not shocking, I'm sure. The judicial branch is necessary as a co-equal branch of the three in order to have checks and balances. Our Constitution does have an amendment process as you said in order to add/remove as society changes. The biggest difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives don't want activist judges with their own ideas rubber stamping unconstitutional laws on the whim of societal tastes of the day. Liberals want activist judges like Justice Roberts who helped create Obamacare by giving lawyers the blueprint on how it could be made constitutional. That wasn't his job. Also, we are not a true democracy but a representative democracy. Conservatives want the government out of our business, liberals want more government intervention. Somehow, we are going to have to find middle ground.