Ohioan dialing in. This is 💯 accurate, but there are thousands of Ohioans who have showed up to early vote. I took four No votes to the early polls myself. There are many Progressive Ohioans who are absolutely sick and tired of the corrupt Republican disaster in our state. It would be one thing if these people were at least moral with unpopular opinions, but many are outright criminals. The center will not hold. It will be decided one way or another.

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Good luck out there, JB. I'm glad to hear you and your fellow Ohioans are aware of this and voting. It really seems like one of those things that the Republicans could win by "keeping it under the radar."

In my research, I found the rationale for getting rid of August special elections was because the last one had approximately 8% turnout. Now they're trying to change the rules with one, hoping the low turnout gets them what they want.

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That’s exactly right. The good news is that these people are not very intelligent, though they are manipulative and conniving. They rely on apathy and ignorance, but people are starting to wake up. I have to believe it because the alternative is too depressing.

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I really think they "caught the car" with abortion. A lot of people assumed things would just carry on unchanged, but when Roe got overturned a lot of people woke up to the GOP's politics and really don't like them.

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