Thanks for the opportunity, Joe. I write two Substack newsletters--Constant Commoner and Writer Everlasting. At Constant Commoner I treat it as a magazine, with articles that may not be related but I hope are always interesting. I write about up north life, widowhood (I'm new at it), politics (I've been writing about it forever), ageism, advocacy, humor, and life in general.

This is one of my newer ones: https://constantcommoner.substack.com/p/the-toxicity-of-thinking-the-old

At Writer Everlasting we're a community of writers serious in our goals but definitely not stuffy about them. We talk about everything writer-related, including who we're reading and why. My latest is about Toni Morrison: https://writereverlasting.substack.com/p/toni-morrison-tried-to-teach-us-to

While I do offer paid subscriptions, all posts at both sites are open to everyone. No paywalls, no hidden comments. We're a community in both places.

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I LOVE the idea of a Substack "magazine." I know my (and most) Substack is hyper-focused, but the notion of getting an expanded content set is really cool. Great idea!

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I'm really happy that Substack offers both the magazine format and the ability to split into sections. Just like a real magazine. It might not work for everyone, but it's perfect for my needs!

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Thanks for this, Joe!

I'm on a mission to liven up your playlists. My newsletter is like a digital mixtape, with artists still under the radar, and old favorites for new ears.


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Highly recommend!

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Hanging out over here at The Lorem Ipsum. A funny email about serious topics. It's a place to get the news, politics and humor -- I cover the news but also your ass, so you don't get caught not knowing what's going on in the world. Think of it as your own personal Norm MacDonald for your inbox.

Check it out here: https://www.danielkherndon.com/inbox-candy/

Have a great week everyone!

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Lol, I love that description!

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Thanks for giving us the space to do this, Joe.

I write Brands Mean a Lot (brandsmeanalot.com). My newsletter is a sporadically published commentary covering everything from home office playsets to menthol cigarette bans. Given the content you publish, I think your readership might enjoy my content as well.

If you're reading this and keen to check it out, a good place to start would be my recent post about what time is to a brand:


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As a former contributor to Brands Mean a Lot, I can say it's definitely worth a read!

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Two time contributor! Thanks Joe, appreciate it.

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