Jun 3Liked by Joe Mayall

Dunking on the stupidest Republicans in the room is easy, in large part because most Republicans in the room are stupid. The examples you give are obviously not attributable to DEI.

But I would much rather see you engage with the best "arguments against DEI" rather than the worst ones. Taking Eric Trump's tweets and showing how mad they are is easy; a comprehensive critique of Richard Hanania's "The Origin of Woke" would on the other hand actually be worth reading.

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I'd have to push back by saying these are the leading arguments against DEI from the right. I agree, the Trumps' tweets about DEI are stupid, but they are prominent, listened-to figures on the American right. As sports fans say, I can only play who's in front of me.

That said, critiquing Hanania's book is a good idea. I'll check it out!

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Jun 3Liked by Joe Mayall

Yeah I agree that they are probably the most common leading arguments. And so articles like this can be useful. I guess from my point of view, I already know that they are stupid, and so I don’t learn much. (It’s also not hard to find examples of stupid Democrats/liberals either.)

On the other hand, there are more intelligent conservatives, and even liberals, who make better arguments against the left wing that give me pause. I can tell you are smart, and so I would want to see you engage with those.

I just recently stumbled across your substack, and I am enjoying it so far. I like to pick at good arguments, so take it as a compliment 👍

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Thanks for the kind words! Feel free to message/email me any liberal (or conservative) arguments you think I should take a look at. I agree that addressing them is the most useful (and interesting).

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(about DEI) "Like all corporate initiatives, its intention isn’t social equality, but better public relations and increased profits."

Amen to that

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It's the truth! There's no such thing as "woke capitalism." Only capitalism.

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Another good read. But shouldn't Jordan Peterson be railing against JudeoMensheviks?

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lol considering he hasn't read Marx, I doubt he's read his history and can tell the difference between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.

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This article perfectly exemplifies why Biden will lose the upcoming election. Yes David the only reason people don’t share your world view is because they’re stupid or evil.

You with your brilliant mind can discard what they are saying and get to the heart of what they really mean, deciphering the “dog whistle” code in everything.

Never before have so many learned so little from so much.

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If they’re so crazy, why aren’t they losing?

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They are. Elections have been terrible for the Republicans recently.

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Well said

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