To dissemble is to lie or disguise your true intentions . To disassemble is to take something apart. While conservatives dissemble often, they’ve made no secret of their intentions to disassemble social security.
A fine solution for taxing the wealthy, but it's a shame you premise is based upon such faulty, outdated reasoning. A country with a sovereign currency can never become insolvent. It can always meet its obligations. Funding SS is a political issue, not an economic one. Please take 5 minutes to read something about MMT (modern monetary theory). It will prevent idiotic discussions about 'running out of money.'
You're mistaken. There's a trigger law that kicks in when the Social Security trust funds reach 0. The government will still fund Social Security, but only at the amount it brings in via taxes. This will lead to automatic benefit cuts of up to 20%. This is what I mean when I say it will run out of funds.
Joe, I think you’re partially correct. See which states that there is a conflict between the law you cite and between beneficiaries rights to full benefits. People could sue the government if they didn’t receive full benefits.
You run out of money as soon as you print so much fiat currency with nothing to back it that it becomes worthless. As worthless as MMT is, except as a guide to who the stupid people are.
I'm in favor of anything that helps working people maximize their hard-earned wages, but it's misguided to say this is a partisan issue. Both Dems and Reps have rich friends and the game is let's keep arguing so that nothing ever changes. Don't believe that? Did the Clintons administration change this? Did Obama? They had two terms each to get it done.
You're right. Obama actually tried to cut Social Security, but the Republicans rejected the deal out of partisanship. That said, I do view Biden differently. He has long remained against SS cuts, while modern conservatives talk about cutting it constantly.
That said, he could lift the cap and hasn't, so that's a mark on his record.
Social Security is theft, pure and simple. My generation will never see a penny. The fucking cocksuckers who invented it are long dead and good riddance to their evil souls, but they at least collected from their scheme to rob the next generation.
Removing the cap and applying the tax to capital gains are not the same thing. I am in favor of applying the tax to capital gains at the self employment rate but I am against raising the tax on workers. Ideally we should abolish the pay toll tax for social security and fund it entirely with taxes on capital gains.
Personally I'm fine either way (or both). I don't have any issue raising the tax on high-earning workers (over $168k a year), as I believe progressive taxation is a good way to distribute fairness into our society. You make more > you pay more.
Though, I'm always in favor of finding ways to make the truly rich, who are typically capitalists pay more. So if it could be structured in a way to remove some of the burden from workers and put more on capital gains, I'm all for it.
What about applying the standard deduction to not just income tax but also fica tax? A person who makes less than the standard deduction will pay no fica tax but still receive benefits?
Taxation is not theft, because all value is derived from society. Whether you make money as a capitalist or a worker, you are only able to do so because society has built roads, social safety, and the government's enforcement of contracts.
Without these, you cannot earn income.
Because you are dependent on society, it is well within society's right to recollect a portion of your earnings through taxation. We can ensure equity throughout society via progressive taxation - the more you have made off of society, the more you owe in taxes.
To dissemble is to lie or disguise your true intentions . To disassemble is to take something apart. While conservatives dissemble often, they’ve made no secret of their intentions to disassemble social security.
Very true. And they won't stop their. They want to destroy every public program - SS, Medicare, Medicaid, all of it.
A fine solution for taxing the wealthy, but it's a shame you premise is based upon such faulty, outdated reasoning. A country with a sovereign currency can never become insolvent. It can always meet its obligations. Funding SS is a political issue, not an economic one. Please take 5 minutes to read something about MMT (modern monetary theory). It will prevent idiotic discussions about 'running out of money.'
You're mistaken. There's a trigger law that kicks in when the Social Security trust funds reach 0. The government will still fund Social Security, but only at the amount it brings in via taxes. This will lead to automatic benefit cuts of up to 20%. This is what I mean when I say it will run out of funds.
Joe, I think you’re partially correct. See which states that there is a conflict between the law you cite and between beneficiaries rights to full benefits. People could sue the government if they didn’t receive full benefits.
Can you specify which section of the document you're looking at? I couldn't find it.
First page. That’s all I read!
Sorry, page 2 summary.
You run out of money as soon as you print so much fiat currency with nothing to back it that it becomes worthless. As worthless as MMT is, except as a guide to who the stupid people are.
Modern monetary theory is a fantasy for economically illiterate morons.
I'm in favor of anything that helps working people maximize their hard-earned wages, but it's misguided to say this is a partisan issue. Both Dems and Reps have rich friends and the game is let's keep arguing so that nothing ever changes. Don't believe that? Did the Clintons administration change this? Did Obama? They had two terms each to get it done.
You're right. Obama actually tried to cut Social Security, but the Republicans rejected the deal out of partisanship. That said, I do view Biden differently. He has long remained against SS cuts, while modern conservatives talk about cutting it constantly.
That said, he could lift the cap and hasn't, so that's a mark on his record.
That's exactly my point. They do nothing, and it's not an accident.
Could he lift the cap? Or just propose it. Wouldn’t it take Congress to do that?
I believe it would be a Congressional law.
Social Security is theft, pure and simple. My generation will never see a penny. The fucking cocksuckers who invented it are long dead and good riddance to their evil souls, but they at least collected from their scheme to rob the next generation.
Removing the cap and applying the tax to capital gains are not the same thing. I am in favor of applying the tax to capital gains at the self employment rate but I am against raising the tax on workers. Ideally we should abolish the pay toll tax for social security and fund it entirely with taxes on capital gains.
Personally I'm fine either way (or both). I don't have any issue raising the tax on high-earning workers (over $168k a year), as I believe progressive taxation is a good way to distribute fairness into our society. You make more > you pay more.
Though, I'm always in favor of finding ways to make the truly rich, who are typically capitalists pay more. So if it could be structured in a way to remove some of the burden from workers and put more on capital gains, I'm all for it.
What about applying the standard deduction to not just income tax but also fica tax? A person who makes less than the standard deduction will pay no fica tax but still receive benefits?
I like that. It's simple and not a drastic change from the current code, though people will feel the benefit. Good idea!
Good because a fica tax cut at the low end of some sort is mandatory for me to support any kind of hike on fica at the high end.
What about letting people keep what they earn and not robbing them just because you’re jealous?
Is it your opinion taxation is "robbing"?
Taxation is theft. Just because you sign a piece of paper that you claim gives you the right to rob me, doesn’t actually give you the right to rob me.
Taxation is not theft, because all value is derived from society. Whether you make money as a capitalist or a worker, you are only able to do so because society has built roads, social safety, and the government's enforcement of contracts.
Without these, you cannot earn income.
Because you are dependent on society, it is well within society's right to recollect a portion of your earnings through taxation. We can ensure equity throughout society via progressive taxation - the more you have made off of society, the more you owe in taxes.