Have to mention the juggernaut ‘Yellowstone.’ We also need to cross-post our podcast episode on that show. That was a good convo.

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So true! What a fantastic show

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Whatever happened to the hippies, the previous generation that was radically left? They became capitalists.

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There's an old joke that "SDS all became stockbrokers." I think this is a somewhat accurate depiction, and explains why millennials are not following their parents in moving right. 30 years ago, the "normal" life was fairly accessible, making it easy to abandon Leftist principals in favor of a steady job and raising a family. But now, when that's no longer obtainable, millennials aren't buying into Capitalism and are curious about other systems.

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And Gen Z is even farther removed. In my experience, they have zero interest in the status quo. I work for an airline, and it’s been interesting watching the company culture bend towards them.

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One thing I've noticed from Gen Z is that they tend* to be more educated on the current system. I think millennials stayed to the Left out of self preservation, while Gen Z is proactively recognizing their struggle and organizing for the day they are subjected to the typical American workplace.

Of course, this is just my observation.

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I could've/should've just said "they're not having it." I think they saw what their GenX parents went through and are giving it a hard pass.

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For sure. I think social media (particularly TikTok/Twitter) helps young folks see the struggles of older Americans. They're getting a glimpse and saying "Nope." (Or whatever the young ones are saying nowadays, lol).

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