"In August 1942 the Palestine Regiment was formed, again plagued by the same mixed recruiting and its associated low quality problems. The regiment was derisively called the "Five Piastre Regiments", due to the large number of Arab "volunteers" that had enlisted just for the cash bonus provided by the Jewish Agency.[14]"


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What do you mean, "plagued by mixed recruiting"?

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It's a quote. The claim is that the Jewish Agency persuaded Arabs to join by offering them money, and that that attracted people who turned out to be poor soldiers.

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Is there any evidence for that claim?

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This is interesting. A Wikipedia article cites this book in claiming that the Arab volunteers for the Palestine Regiment were paid by the Jewish Agency to sign up.


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Jewish and Arab Palestinians together in an army regiment. Sounds like todays IDF. Where else today will you find Jews, Arabs, Druze etc together in a fighting force?

Most likely the descendents of the Arabs of the Palestine Regiment will be amongst the two million Israeli Arabs who enjoy full citizenship of Israel.

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That's a naive way to look at things. The Palestinian Regiment fought fascists, the IDF is fascist. It's the purpose that matters, not just the make up.

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Why do you say that the IDF is fascist?

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It's the military of the fascist Israeli state.

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The Palestine Regiment fought in Italy I believe?

So they were fighting Italian Fascists.

Victor Serge, writing just after Mussolini was killed, says some interesting things about Fascism, referring to a conversation with the Italian Communist, Nicola Bombacci:

“"But since you knew how menacing fascism was arid what an important role Mussolini played, why didn’t you get rid of him in time, during the destruction of the cooperatives, etc.?”

“Because our most active militants went over to his side.”

I saw that it was this that tormented him the most: the attraction that fascism, exercised upon the extreme left. "

I doubt you're referring to Israel as being, like Italian Fascism, something that attracts the extreme left.

Not now, anyway. It used to. The Arabs at first claimed they were fighting Communism

by fighting the Zionists.


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Why do you say that the Israeli State is fascist?

What do you mean by "fascist"?

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It fits the 14 characteristics of Umberto Eco's "Ur-Fascism"

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Eco said: “These features cannot be organized into a system; many of them contradict each other and are also typical of other kinds of despotism or fanaticism. But it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it.”

So they can hardly be a definition. Just diverse potential attributes which may or may not be present. Any one might denote Fascism, but doesn't necessarily.

A James Gregor studied Fascism for more than 40 years and taught political science at Berkeley, California. Quotes from his books give a clearer perspective:


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