Great piece. What I don’t think we focus on is that the situation appears complex because of all the ways we try to create villains from a population that has not even been granted sovereignty as a nation. The current conflict began with displacement of Palestinians. Actions from that point have culminated to this. Israel has always responded with incredible force and they continue to displace Palestinians for settlements. It’s hard to imagine a state openly engaging in ethnic cleansing with little to no opposition. The “finish them” comments from US officials is also particularly troubling. “Them” are men, women, and children just like Israelis on the other side.

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Well said, Chevanne. It really is all downstream from the displacement that took place at the formation of Israel.

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At this point in history, I agree with your option that Israel must make concessions and give Palestinians the homeland and freedom to live peaceful prosperous lives. Enough bloodshed over boundries. However, Palestine is not Hamas. Hamas (and Hezbollah and Isis and Tailaban) are terrorists hellbent on the destruction of Israel. Read their charter. It specifically reject peace as an option. How then does "peace" happen? As wrong as Israel's government (with our help) is on policy, it is frightening to see Muslims all over the world cheering the deliberate death and destruction of innocent people and calling for more. This tribalism, this hatred, these threats should be concerning to all of us and not minimized or justified in any way.

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You're right that Hamas is not representative of the Palestinian people. They are undemocratic, unelected, and often persecute Palestinians as well as Israelis. But there's no confusion about why Hamas exists. It is an outgrowth of an oppressed population that has been given no other option. The Israeli government, too, has rejected any sense of peace. They haven't spoken to Palestinian leadership in over a decade, and even before them their "talks" were not in good faith. Unfortunately, radical actors like Hamas are an expected response. If we want groups like Hamas to disappear, then we must be clear that they only exist due to the Israeli government's continued decision to occupy and oppress the Palestinian people.

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It's a vicious cycle. And so damn sad.

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It is truly heartbreaking.

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Tina, first of all I’m not a fan of Hezbollah or Hamas with their authoritarian ideologies, but they are not the same as ISIS. Both organizations are locally based movements created from resistance to the actions of the Israeli state. Second, in 2002 Hamas agreed to accept the existence of Israel based on 1967 borders, same as the Arab League did in 1967 and 1972 and the PLO during the Oslo process during the 1990s. In all cases Israel turned down these offers and continued expansion of settlements in contravention to international law and UN Resolutions. From what I can see the biggest obstacle to peace is the Israeli political class which has always refused to consider a sovereign Palestinian state. Finally the atrocities committed by Hamas should be condemned, however these pale in comparison to the atrocities committed by the IDF since 1948. Read Noam Chomsky’s “The Fateful Triangle” written 1984 and chronicles the 1982 invasion and occupation of Lebanon which killed about 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians. The same use of overwhelming, indiscriminate and illegal force by the IDF is detailed as of now 40 years later.

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