May 14Liked by Joe Mayall

You are right that we can know right from wrong without having all the minute details of history, but, Joe, here's the thing. I know the history, and believe many of the students do as well. Historical fact supports the student's position.

I also know that HRC is FOS. She throws that canard out in an attempt to bamboozle her chosen audience, those who are still blinded by the 70+ years of pro-Israel propaganda, including the outright lies they have been constantly fed.

There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Well said! Thanks for the resources.

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Hilary is a more than a political failure. She is a failure as a human being.

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Some people would be make the world a better place if they never spoke again.

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Agreed. I have a list of such people.

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I do feel like we owe it to the situation in the long run to know the history, that is, the ENTIRE history of what has transpired there including the colonization by the British and Ottoman empires. It may help in the future when the genocide is finally shut down to figure out how to bring full and complete sovereignty to people who have been brutally colonized. That being said what is happening right now needs no more of a history lesson than people needed about the Weimar Republic and what happened to Germany in the wake of WW1 to oppose the Nazis and the Holocaust.

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Spot on. I'm not advocating for people to be naive, but rather as you said — "Stop doing this clearly bad thing" is a perfectly reasonable response for anyone who sees what's happening. Whether or not they can provide the history of Mandatory Palestine is another, irrelevant issue.

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Absolutely! Put out the fire before you talk about restoration of the historic structure, those discussions are for later!

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Oh I like that! If a building is on fire, and bystanders are clamoring for it to be put out, you don't need to know the history of who built it, whose land it is, etc. etc.

I think you just created a spot-on analogy!

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I agree with what Joy said in the comments - I think a lot of the students do know at least some of the history. The other thing that comes to mind is that situations like this give new opportunities for many of us to learn the history. How many of us went into 2020 knowing almost knowing about race-based discriminatory housing policies and practices in the US, but now know exponentially more than we did back then? Maybe we don't know the history now, but this might be a much-needed catalyst for us to learn the history.

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That's a great point! The observable events, such as the murder of George Floyd or the atrocities in Gaza, motivate people to explore more.

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😤 her. Israel has been an occupying force for 75 years.

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Hillary Clinton is a hungry ghost desperate for just 15 more minutes of relevance.

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I'm being an armchair psychologist, but I suspect she likes lecturing us to feel better about 2016.

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She’s Biden in a power suit with a string of pearls, desperate to get in on that genocide action. Must be making her sick that she doesn’t have a body count to her name.

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I really don’t understand why the DNC hasn’t buried Hillary in a deep dark hole with no media access yet.

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It's a very hierarchical organization. It reminds me of a King's court. They all need to "respect" the leaders (Clintons, Obamas, etc.) to stay cozy with the party. I'm sure Hillary and Bill have still been active in the party and called for themselves to speak.

That said, I don't think they need them. If anything, they're dragging Democrats down.

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May 19Liked by Joe Mayall

One other reasons to make ourselves knowledgeable is that Zionism has infiltrated many governments and we need to know who they are and where they are.

How can we excise them, Okay I'm the only one talking about getting rid of them. But in my opinion they are the fascists moving this country and others to be entirely fascist and cruel just to... what, hold more power, have more wealth? Good heavens, what is enough for these psychopaths. The ones that are supporting the Zionists now have been supporting Fascists in the past and present.

A BIG, crazy ask and it would take a Panama Papers like multi-country super secret group effort, which had still resulted in journalists' deaths and still has journalists in hiding. Jeez, just look at Julian Assange and Snowden and so many of the known political targets. On second thought I wouldn't be the one that would push someone to do this. Of course, I think that Israel's actions are calling attention to these evil levers.

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You're hitting on a really good point. We have no idea the full extent of AIPAC's funding. American campaign finance laws are so loose that the money seems to disappear through transfers and donations. It's very concerning, and is another reason we should overturn Citizens' United.

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May 19Liked by Joe Mayall

Absolutely right, but one slight quibble if I may. After checking the source of the quote, Shlomo appears to be quoting another unnamed diplomat, who he quoted in his book. I suppose you would need to got a hold of a copy of the book to figure out who it was.

But of course, in spirit, the quote is correct because Shlomo says he agrees with it.

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Oh that's a good catch. Thanks for clarifying!

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Hillary awakens from her 8-year pout to prove she's still not worth listening to.

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May 17Liked by Joe Mayall

For some excellent commentary on the Wicked Witch of the West:


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Why did they trot out Obama's secretary of state, instead of Obama himself? Obama is the elder statesman (aka retired winner) so it's his opinion that might matter. The nearly official position is that Clinton is a huge loser who everybody hates. (Yes I know there is a formal acknowledgement Clinton won the vote but the second sentence directly contradicts this.) [Is self-contradiction an eleven dimensional chess style of reasoning?]

By the way, a wife defending her husband's record is not really much of a surprise, is it?

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I imagine it's because Clinton still wants to be on talk shows, while Obama has stepped back from public life.

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Some like to manipulate in front of an audience but the real danger lies with those who manipulate behind the scenes. Obama is one of those.

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He's certainly still involved, but you're right. His role is far from the camera.

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Why write a column about a universally hated talk show couch potato instead of somebody who might be listened to? She's not getting likes on social media after all.

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Hey, Hillary:

Shouldn’t you be asking what Bill was doing on Epstein Island instead of pontificating to Americans?

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If Hillary had become President in 2016, we would have had Gaza during her administration. But the waited until Joe Biden to do it because there were 11 million reasons why

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A doctorate might help you understand what the definition of a genocide is

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