I'll go first!

My "fun" answer is standardizing ice cream sizes. No more guessing what "small, medium, and large" mean. By royal decree all parlors will serve 1, 2, 3, or 4 scoops. (Mis-sizing scoops will subject to military tribunal.)

My "serious" answer is to abolish the Supreme Court, Senate, and Presidency, then turn the House of Representatives into a parliamentary-style direct democracy. (I see this as slightly more important than the ice cream issue.)

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1st thing? Universal healthcare.

Also: At some point, I'm gonna need an airport named after me.

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Well you instituted universal healthcare, so it’s the least we could do!!

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House everyone!

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Yes please!

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Let’s go!!!

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Ban toll roads. Everyone can afford to get where they need to go. Texas is the worst.

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YES! They are brutal in New Hampshire

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We don't have them in WI. How much does a "normal" commute cost for you?

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I have seen a single stretch of toll road at $20+. That is for a couple miles of road and could be one of 2-5 such stretches to take the “fast route” if you are going around DFW.

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I've always understood this as a way for politicians to run on "cutting taxes" while just offsetting the cost to commuters. Pretty scummy.

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Everyone's first divorce is paid for by the government. Universal divorce care baby.

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Oh hell yea. Would actually lead to a much healthier and happier society

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All of the above wishlist (and more) can be accomplished just by throwing out the electoral college. I don't need a day. Give me just 5 minutes. Then, the rest will start raining. (Once I win the "sane" elections, the first thing I would do is to install term limits (two terms max.) and go to a 5 year election cycle instead of the incredibly insane 2 year election cycle of the House). Then, kill gerrymandering, and campaign finance clean up.

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Electoral College is not only undemocratic, it's incredibly stupid. I've been searching for anyone to defend it on the merits, but I've never heard a coherent argument for why we should keep it.

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Implement some sort of UBI (Universal Basic Income) so I can write my newsletter without worrying about not eating if I fail 😬

Either that or universal health care.

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100%!! Imagine the amazing art and culture we'd have if there was no such thing as a "starving artist"

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There are so many important choices, but I'll go with Universal Health Care.

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It's the classic for a reason!

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I would expand social safety nets so people don’t have to fight for resources. This would include expanded parental leave, low cost childcare, disability access, housing, and debt elimination. It would be an umbrella initiative encompassing a lot of elements.

But for funsies: implementing siestas where we close business for two hours so people can nap, go home and be with family, or just chill. I think we’d be a happier society. Less grind. Imagine a system that forces you to slow down.

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All for #1, but hadn't even thought of the siesta!! That'd be awesome

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I went to Greece years ago and that’s what they did! Businesses were closed so after lunch we went for walks or took naps. It was fantastic.

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(Posting on behalf of my friend)


-Start building renewable energy infra throughout the country ASAP.

-Maybe implement nuclear power plants, too. Haven't heard too much about the cons here. But apparently, they are great sources of cleaner energy if maintained properly.


-Figure out ways to reward/pay teachers more over their tenure.

-Ensure public classrooms are equipped with the best tech/resources.

-Keep gifted programs // and encourage STEM/Comp Sci in curriculums.

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ALWAYS down to pay teachers more!!

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1. The government would get rid of all social programs and instead give everyone $1 million to grow on their own. 2. Get rid of abortion. 3. Rename Tony's dark chocolate bars after me instead.

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